Finding A Good Private High School: What To Know


As someone who only wants the best for their child, you may already be thinking about their college years and the future ahead. Considering private, college-prep high schools is not uncommon, and you may find yourself becoming more serious about finding a suitable institution for your young teenager. However, you should consider these school issues before deciding on one and putting down a deposit. Class Size Could Be Important Just as you may have thought throughout your child's earlier school education, small classroom sizes could be essential for their success.

24 August 2019

3 Non-Religious Reasons To Consider A Private Elementary School For Your Child


While the argument for private schools for religious families has been clear for years, it has often been harder for families that don't attend church on a regular basis to validate their desire for that same quality of education. However, given the well-known issues experienced in recent years with public schools, including the controversial use of sex education classes and the difficulty to understand the application of the common core curriculum, private school has become much more appealing to families who want a higher quality education for their kids.

2 August 2017

Winning At Online College: 3 Changes Every Christian Should Make To Succeed


You're entering a wonderful, one-of-a-kind moment in your life. Making the commitment to study for a degree is a big step and requires some important changes. There are 3 big changes that will ensure your success. Change #1) You'll need more quiet space. Students who attend a traditional university are assigned their own space for rest and study, and their college will have additional quiet spots for reading and contemplation. It's very important that you recreate this feature in your own situation.

16 June 2015