3 Benefits Of All Boy Private Catholic High Schools


The U.S. Department of Education has stated that for the last three decades, boys have scored lower than girls in reading. Also, boys have a much higher chance of being held back in 8th grade than girls. One reason boys tend to struggle more than girls in school is that boys are generally more active, which makes it harder for them to sit still and listen. Boys also tend to have more behavior issues, get more easily distracted, and are slower to mature. All of these things can affect their education. Sometimes all it takes, however, is to change the type of schooling boys receive.

If your teenage boy is struggling in school, you may want to consider enrolling them in an all-boy private Catholic high school. Here are three benefits this type of school has to offer.

1. Students Receive a High-Quality Education

Private schools traditionally have a higher academic standard than public schools. Students at private schools also usually have to do more, such as volunteer work or community service, in order to keep up their grade point average. Having to do this motivates them to work hard.

Students at a private school also have access to a variety of subjects and programs that public schools in their area might not offer. Because of increased standards and a higher quality of education, your teenage boy will have a better chance at getting accepted at the college of their choice.

2. Students Learn About Their Catholic Faith

At public schools, anything having to do with religion is excluded. This is another reason that many parents send their boys to an all-boy private Catholic high school. At this type of private institution, the focus is not only on the child's mind but also on their body and spirit. Private Catholic schools do this by including religious education in their curriculum.

Students who attend a private Catholic school are more likely to continue in their faith as they grow into adulthood. Along with learning about their Catholic faith, boys at a private school will also be taught morals, values, godly principles, and self-discipline.

3. Students Find It Easier to Make Friends

Most students who attend an all-boy private Catholic school have the same faith, which provides a common bond. When boys have this common bond, it can help to prevent cliques from forming, which makes it easier for everyone to be friends.

Private schools usually have smaller class sizes, which is another reason that makes it easier for everyone to get along. Less bullying and less school violence also make for a much safer and more comfortable learning environment for students in an all-boy private Catholic high school.


24 June 2021

Gleaning The Benefits of Religious School

A few years ago, I realized that my neighbor's kids were much more well-behaved than our kids. Although I was embarrassed to ask, I sat down with my neighbor to find out what her trick was. She told me that she had enrolled her kids at a nearby religious school that had made a big difference. She explained that they focused heavily on family values and personal integrity, which made me want to learn more. After touring the school, I enrolled my own kids and I can't even begin to tell you the difference that it made. Check out this blog to find out more about religious institutions.